Digital Marketing Services

Our actionable insights and creative storytelling inform strategies that deliver results.

The Challenge of Meeting Audience Expectations

Audiences today are empowered by connected technologies – and bombarded with marketing messages. It’s harder than ever to be heard above the noise.

Even conversion-focused brands need to think about building and retaining a loyal audience to protect themselves against commoditization or disruption. To build that kind of brand, you need a story. And to shape that story, you need a strategy.

The Team Matrix leverages our digital experience, analytics expertise, and creative talent to build marketing strategies that deliver exceptional results. In a landscape of disruption, our team blends the art and science of strategy, seizing opportunities through actionable insights and powerful storytelling.

How an Effective Strategy Partner Operates

Marketing strategically takes a team. It requires deep insights combined with a range of expertise. A strong marketing strategy partner:

Takes a pragmatic approach.
Blue-sky strategies that don’t suit your organization or customers lead to lackluster results. By exploring what’s possible for your brand now, your agency can uncover the opportunities for what comes next.

Understands your customers.
Your strategists should obsess over every nuance of your ideal customer – their motivations, behavior, and decisions.

Actively monitors and optimizes.
Having a strategy is important, but so is knowing when to adjust it. If your agency isn’t evolving your marketing strategy based on data, you’re likely wasting precious time and resources.

Our Marketing Strategy Process

Our experience in creating data-driven, journey-based marketing strategies enables us to serve clients effectively across a wide range of industries.

Data Gathering + Analysis
Uncovering the cold, hard facts

Data is at the heart of every marketing strategy. By pulling data from every available source – first-party data, previous campaign performance, competitor research, customer interviews, surveys, and more – we learn about your audience, identify challenges, and start to formulate ideas

We may formalize and document our analysis as an audit that contains our key discoveries and takeaways.

Audience + Competitor Research
Digging deeper into your market

Attracting an audience requires you to understand their needs and challenges. Through extensive audience research, we discover what problems audiences face and what makes them tick, so we can connect with them and leave a lasting impression.

Your competitors are hungry for the same customers. Our team’s competitive analysis surveys the landscape and starts identifying where your business can find the advantage.

Strategy Development
Blending art and science

Data is essential, but the real challenge is to find opportunities and generate insights, identifying new and imaginative ways to build, engage, and convert your key audiences. Our brilliant marketing strategists do all that and more.

Your strategy is distilled into a presentation that diagnoses the challenges your brand is facing, sets out the insights underpinning our solution, and provides a roadmap.

Channel Planning
Marketing in the right place, in the right way

Whatever combination of paid, owned, and earned media channels we recommend, BFM uses data and experience to assess where your marketing will have its greatest impact. We’ll then produce a marketing plan for using each of those channels to its fullest.

Creative Brief
Connecting your audience to your brand

When you’re ready to implement our strategy, we can help with that too. And no matter which direction our strategy takes us, we have the tools and expertise to execute.

If we recommend new asset creation, we’ll use our strategy to create visually compelling, journey-driven content that turns our insights into outstanding marketing executions.

Evaluation & Optimization
Making improvements by measuring performance

Wherever possible, we avoid treating strategies as a one-and-done. Digital marketing is iterative and a strategy should be a living thing. We aim to revisit marketing strategies regularly so we can take into account new data, assess whether the market has shifted, and adjust course accordingly.

Marketing Strategy

Our actionable insights and creative storytelling inform strategies that deliver results.

  • Use Case Model
  • Analysis Model
  • Design Model
  • Implementation Model
  • Test Model
  • Information Gathering
  • Requirement Analysis
  • Software Architecture Design
  • Software Development
  • Integration
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance
  • Eclipse
  • JSON
  • ADT Plugins
  • Android Simulators
  • Java
  • P H P
  • .net
  • J2EE
  • React
  • Angular JS

The Challenge and Opportunity of Social Media

A lot changes in social media, and fast. Algorithms update, users switch platforms, and new features emerge, making it tough to reach people and build a loyal following.

But it’s a social world, and businesses must keep pace. And when branding, content, and strategic distribution across the right channels work together, social becomes an engine for incredible growth.

Blue Fountain Media is more than a social media agency. Drawing on our team of talented strategists, copywriters, designers, and paid media specialists, Blue Fountain Media delivers the expertise to create engaging and click-worthy social media experiences.

The marks of an effective social media partner

Building a social following and engaging your audience requires channel expertise, strategic thinking, and the ability to build relationships. A strong social media partner provides:

Multi-channel marketing experience. As social platforms continue to evolve, they open brands up to new opportunities – and slam the door on old best practices. If a social media agency doesn’t know the latest and greatest on each social channel, they can’t innovate to your advantage.

Content development capabilities. Content gets people interested your business. But if content doesn’t resonate with customers, or isn’t distributed on the right platform, your audience will go elsewhere for help, information, and entertainment.

Data-driven decision-making. Data gives insights into your audience and your content. When things are going well, data keeps your business on the right course. But if data points your business in a new direction, only those who can adjust quickly will prevent a brand from going adrift.

Our Social Media Services

Our social media expertise brings together data, content, and design to create engaging social experiences that build customer trust and loyalty.

Research + Social Listening
Discovering what your customers care about

To know what drives your customers, you must know them on a personal level. We look behind your audience’s demographics, seeking insight into the lifestyle, attitudes, and interests of your customer. We use Meltwater and other social listening tools to see what people are saying – about your brand, competitors, industry, and business-related topics – generating data for actionable strategies.

We also identify the platforms competitors use effectively, how they interact with followers, and what content gets people talking and sharing.

Channel Planning + Optimization
Choosing the right channels for your brand

Every social platform offers different advantages. Our research ensures your business is on the right platforms, and creating the right content for each channel.

Whether you’re launching on social for the first time, or enhancing the experience for customers, our team can help optimize your company pages with new branding, details, calls-to-action, images and more

Content Creation
Driving audience engagement

Content is still the king of digital. And nowhere is that more apparent than on social media. As a full-service social media partner, our copywriting and design expertise enables us to deliver every piece of content imaginable, from story-driven posts to compelling advertising.

To keep your followers interested, we use our insights to recommend the types of content your audience responds to and the channels where it will have the greatest impact.

Organic Social
Establishing a devoted audience

While large-scale reach has mostly become a pay-to-play proposition, organic social is part of customers’ due diligence and a key point of contact. Smart businesses don’t ignore it.

Our team works to capitalize on opportunities to build your brand’s following. As part of our organic strategy, we create a content calendar for each channel and optimize messaging and content for their unique audiences.

Paid Social
Amplifying strategic impact

Just as data helps pinpoint your audience, it helps to maximize your ROI on social. When it’s time to boost your organic efforts, our paid media team launches ads with precise audience targeting. We continue to monitor audience and creative performance, optimizing ad spend to ensure your social media marketing dollars are used with maximum efficiency.

Measurement + Reporting
Crunching the numbers

Ongoing monitoring of social ads gives us a big-picture view, but we’re at our best digging deep into a campaign’s KPIs to measure them against a campaign’s goals.

Reporting helps us determine ways to improve targeting, create more brand advocates, and increase your company’s share of voice across each channel. We report to you in detail, usually on monthly basis.

Social Media Marketing

We leverage data, content, design, and strategy to find loyal followers and build trusted brands.

  • Java
  • C++
  • HTML5
  • Python
  • Android SDK
  • Appcelerator
  • Titanium
  • Coridova
  • GameSalad
  • Corona SDK
  • jQuery Mobile
  • Bluetooth LE
  • Eclipse
  • JSON
  • ADT Plugins
  • Android Simulators
  • Android Ice Cream Sandwich
  • Android Jellybean
  • Android KitKat
  • Android Lollipop
  • Android Marshmallow
  • Android Nougat

Choosing an SEO Partner

Big or small, businesses that win at search reap enormous benefits. But although SEO is technical, it’s not an exact science, and it takes time to show results (anyone who tells you otherwise is lying).

As a result, you’re putting a lot of trust in an SEO partner. Here’s what you should be looking for from your search agency:

Why us on SEO ?

Focused on people. A good SEO agency naturally lives and breathes the technical stuff, but ultimately people, not bots, do business with you. Your search marketing team should care about customer experience.

Moving with the times. SEO changes fast. There are new challenges all the time, from algorithm changes to the impact of voice. An agency that hasn’t changed its approach in 3 years is hopelessly out of touch. A great SEO agency is always evolving.

Clear communication. Google’s algorithm is complex. SEO decisions often involve weighing pros and cons. So it’s important that your SEO partner can clearly and transparently explain their recommendations

Our SEO Process Methodology

SEO is always evolving, but we have a well-established approach that we’ve adapted over time.

Technical Optimization
If we’re building your website, we ensure technical SEO is baked into the process – review of wireframes and mockups, redirects, and other optimizations a great site needs.

If we’re partnering with you for the long term, we’ll make ongoing SEO improvements, from technical tweaks to optimizations to newly added pages.

SEO Audit
If we’re working with you for the first time, we start by assessing the site’s current profile. We look at metrics such as keyword rankings and organic traffic, setting a baseline to measure performance.

Our comprehensive audits address code, site and page structure, content, and backlink profile, identifying opportunities and setting out a blueprint for future work.

Keyword Research
Keyword research gives us invaluable data about the specific terms users are using to search, and the volume of searches for those terms.

Just as importantly, the keyword research helps us understand users’ underlying search intent. Are prospects looking for general information, doing research on a product, or ready to buy? Answering these questions helps us shape content for maximum impact.

SEO Strategy
It’s great to uncover fixes that can give you a bump in the rankings, but our true value comes from being an organic marketing partner.

Our SEO strategy may be part of a fully integrated digital marketing strategy or a more channel-specific effort (depending on your needs). The strategy will set the stage, covering the tactics we’ll deploy and the benchmarks that will help to measure success.

Organic Marketing
We believe there’s no longer a bright line between search and organic marketing. If you can find it through search, we think of it through the lens of search – from social media, to customer reviews, to sites where you’re talked about.

As a result, your team may feature a roster of organic marketing talent spanning content, influencer, and digital PR. Taking a holistic approach to your search presence, we seek out opportunities to boost your brand wherever you may be found.

Measurement + Reporting
We report regularly – usually monthly – on what we’ve achieved. We don’t chase vanity metrics or industrial quantities of backlinks. We don’t hide the fact that SEO takes time to work, but we hold ourselves to metrics that show brand lift or make a measurable impact on business results.

Search Engine Optimization

Bringing together code, content, and context to drive discovery and conversion.

  • Laravel
  • Codeigniter
  • Zend
  • Cake PHP
  • Symfoney
  • Yii
  • WordPress
  • Drupal
  • Opencart
  • Magento
  • Joomla
  • Kentico CMS
  • Umbraco
  • Node JS
  • Angular JS
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Vue JS
  • Blockchain
  • I O T
  • ASP .net
  • Cost-Effective Pricing
  • High-Quality Services
  • 100% Data Security
  • Round the Clock Support
  • Easily Scalable
  • Quick Turnaround Times
  • Follow-Up & Maintenance

Getting the most from Your AD Spend

Between search, display, YouTube, sponsored content, and social media – and the targeting options available in each of those channels – digital media offers a paralyzing amount of choice.

The challenge is knowing how reach the right people on the right platforms. Without sufficient tools, time, and expertise on hand, it can be hard to tell if your marketing dollars are being spent wisely, let alone efficiently.

We’re experts at creating high-performance ads and hyper-targeted campaigns, using all the tools of digital media to optimize how your marketing budget is spent. Our team of paid media specialists, data scientists, and creatives work together to connect you with your audience, generating leads, sales, and revenue with maximum effectiveness.

How to spot a true Paid Advertising Partner

Effective advertising doesn’t happen by accident: it requires meticulous research, exceptionally creative, and near-perfect timing. Here’s what you should expect from a skilled advertising partner:

A data obsession. Digital advertising can be ineffective (and expensive) if data isn’t driving the campaign. Conversions only happen when ads reach the right audience in the right way and at the right time.

A focused creative skillset. Getting creative with ads for creativity’s sake won’t get results. A true partner knows when to flex its creative muscles and when to keep things simple.

An ability to shift. When campaign results are disappointing, an agency should be agile enough to have a response – polishing up keyword lists, optimizing campaigns, and refreshing creative.

Our Social Media Services

We leverage our data, design, and copywriting expertise to create ads that engage customers, boost brand visibility, and maximize your marketing dollars.

Audience + Competitor Research
Pinpointing market opportunities
We use tools and old-fashioned research to discover where your competitors are active, and to gauge the market landscape for untapped opportunities.

Through analytics, social listening, and other business data, our paid media experts narrow down your audience, understanding how their unique interests and online behavior will inform our channel selection and targeting.

Campaign Creation
Setting up for success
Applying our insights to your audiences, we check all the boxes in setting up your campaigns strategically. We build out audience groups, plan spend, put creative together, and strategize how we intend to start testing and optimizing once the campaigns launch.

Search Engine Marketing
Boosting brand visibility
Google alone gets over 3.5 billion searches a day. With users rarely venturing past the first page, we use search engine marketing to get your brand to the top of Page One – and top of mind.

Leveraging our keyword research and audience data, we create highly targeted ads that position your business and offerings for greater visibility, and deliver the information, calls-to-action, and trust-building messaging that gets users clicking.

Social Media Advertising
Making friends and influencing people
Between the sophisticated targeting capabilities, the range of creative formats, and the ability to make an impact with a small budget, social media remains a channel second to none for paid media. Our team are experts in building, monitoring, and optimizing creative social campaigns across all the major social networks. [link to social media page]

Display, Retargeting + Programmatic
Making a real impression
Display and retargeting keep you front of mind and exploit the enormous reach of the web’s most popular publications. Depending on our strategy, we can make and optimize ad buys on Google Display Network and elsewhere, place direct buys on specialist sites where your audiences are found, and work with programmatic partners to deliver experiences targeted with even greater precision.

In-Stream YouTube Ads
Delivering richer brand experiences
Ready to make a bigger impact on your audience? Our creative team are experts at creating rich and engaging YouTube ads in multiple formats to help audiences feel informed and entertained.

Measurement + Reporting
Because data’s work is never done
We continuously monitor KPIs to set benchmarks and measure performance against a campaign’s goals. Where ads are underperforming, we identify areas for improvements and make necessary adjustments.

We regularly report successes and suggest ways to boost campaign performance on a weekly or monthly basis, enabling us to shift spend to higher-performing channels and maximize our advertising reach.

Paid Media

Deploying business intelligence and impactful creativity to reach the right audience at the right time.

  • Database Designing
  • Database Development
  • Database Maintenance
  • Database Administration
  • Database Migration
  • Database Re-Modeling
  • MySQL Managed Service
  • Apache Ignite Manged Service
  • Mongo DB
  • ScyllaDB Managed Services
  • Microsoft SQL Service
  • Oracle SQL Service
  • Postgree SQL Service
  • MySQL
  • SQL Server Management Studio
  • Oracle RDBMS
  • Visual Studio Code
  • ESM Tools
  • PhpMyAdmin
  • Cost-Effective Pricing
  • High-Quality Services
  • 100% Data Security
  • Round the Clock Support
  • Easily Scalable
  • Quick Turnaround Times
  • Follow-Up & Maintenance

Data that lives up to its potential

Data is powerful. It helps businesses find opportunities and maximize marketing efficiency. So it’s no surprise that businesses are collecting more data than ever before.

But somehow, more data doesn’t always translate into valuable, actionable insights.

If you can’t separate signal from noise – and extract the insights that help you boost marketing performance – then your data collection is a story of lost opportunity.

The Team Matrix drives marketing success by infusing data with context to drive informed action. By collecting and visualizing data, and teaming up data experts with cross-disciplinary teams of marketers, we lay the foundations for smarter strategic decisions.

Choosing a Data Analytics Partner

Data analytics requires technical skill and expertise, but it’s not all number-crunching. A strong partner should demonstrate:

A business mindset. It’s critical to measure marketing performance, but ultimately the point is to drive business impact. A strong data analytics partner should constantly be looking to tie marketing activities to business goals.

Effective teamwork. Numbers don’t speak for themselves, and even smart analysts can miss important trends without specialist expertise. Interpreting the data should be a team effort.

Clear communication. A sharp analysis isn’t useful if no one communicates it. Your data analytics team should be regularly and clearly explaining what they’re finding and helping you make sense of it. 

Our Data Analytics Process Methodology

Data is the fuel of any effective marketing and the means of measuring success. As such, collecting, analyzing, and reporting on data is critical to any marketing engagement with TTM.

Analytics Set-up
Assembling the data
We collect and bring together all available data so we can make maximum use of it. We ensure website analytics are properly set up and tracking the right goals and conversions.

Beyond your website, we typically use a range of tools to collect and visualize data, from Meltwater for social listening to SEMRush for search performance. We also integrate data from ad platforms such as Facebook Ads Manager or Google Ads.

Data Visualization + Reporting Framework
Seeing is believing
Together, we decide upon KPIs that measure progress against your defined goals and objectives and ensure that we’re set up to track those KPIs. We typically set up a marketing dashboard to make it easy to measure progress, using tools such as Power BI, Google Data Studio, or Tableau.

Visualization combines data streams from across your business into one big picture – and that can be a game-changer. It’s especially powerful when we can integrate operational data from your business and start drawing deeper connections between marketing activities and business goals.

Reporting + Iteration
Making an informed recommendation
We report to you regularly, typically monthly, about the performance of your marketing as well as the insights and trends we’re seeing.

In developing insights, cross-disciplinary collaboration is critical. Paid media specialists or copywriters often have ideas about why one audience or message is outperforming others. Testing out these theories allows us to iterate intelligently, resulting in better-performing marketing.

Data Analytics + Business Intelligence

Smart tools, teams, and technology uncover the opportunities that drive businesses forward.

  • Recovery Testing Services
  • Stress Testing Services
  • Load Testing Services
  • Robot Framework Testing Services
  • Selenium Testing Services
  • Performance Testing
  • Exploratory Testing
  • Crowdsourced Testing
  • Mainframe Application Testing
  • ETL Testing Services
  • SOA and Web Testing Services
  • Regression Testing
  • Continuous Integration Testing
  • SAP Testing Services
  • Network Testing Services
  • Functional Testing Services
  • CRM Testing Services
  • Smoke Testing Services
  • EDI Testing Services
  • Independent Testing Services
  • DevOps Testing Services
  • System Testing Services
  • Soak Testing Services
  • Sanity Testing Services
  • Scalability Testing Services
  • Integrated Functional Testing
  • Compliance Testing Services
  • Backward Compatibility Testing
  • Managed Crowd Testing Services
  • Unit Testing Services
  • Volume Testing Services
  • Security Testing Services
  • Compatibility Testing Services
  • Beta Testing Services
  • Cost-Effective Pricing
  • High-Quality Services
  • 100% Data Security
  • Round the Clock Support
  • Easily Scalable
  • Quick Turnaround Times
  • Follow-Up & Maintenance

Getting content to work for you

Great content marketing is almost unfair. It brings qualified purchasers to you, helps drive conversions while providing brand lift, and continues to deliver value for years.

But in a crowded digital space, not every piece of content achieves its full potential. Content success requires agility, strategy, a willingness to provide value, and above all, persistence.

At TTM, we create content that resonates with your customers because it’s engineered for them. Our content marketing services start with well-crafted strategies, drawing on channel expertise and performance data to make better content that works harder for your business.

What to look for in a Content Marketer

Excellent writing and strong ideas are table stakes for content. Effective content marketers provide value by focusing on:

Collaboration. Strong content marketing combines writing talent and business know-how. Your content marketing agency should be able to draw out your team’s expertise and frame it compellingly.

Data. You don’t know exactly how content will perform until you put it out there, but your marketing partner needs to be ready to learn from the data when you do.

Amplification. In a noisy world, content has to be promoted to be seen. Behind your content creators, you need the marketing muscle to create space for your voice to be heard.

Our Content Marketing Process Methodology

Even the best content will underperform without a plan. Fortunately, we have a well-honed content marketing process that leaves room for both analysis and inspiration.

A deep dive into the facts
We start by getting to know your audience – their questions, their interests, and their needs. We examine content your competitors are creating to identify whitespace. We include content competitors who are fighting for your audience’s attention even if they’re not angling for their business.

We also take the time to really get to know you – we want to understand how you work, and what knowledge we can harness to produce the best possible content.

Getting informed and inspired
Once we understand your business and our goals, it’s time for us to put our heads together and come up with business-relevant ideas that will add value to your audience and make their lives better. When we’ve come up with some winners, we pitch them to you for feedback.

Copywriting + Design
Putting pen to paper
Our experienced copywriters take what they’ve learned and apply your unique brand voice and perspective to create compelling pieces of content. From the beginning, the content team works closely with design to ensure that your content grabs audience attention and holds it with outstanding visuals.

Launch + Promotion
Getting attention for our hard work
Launching your content is not the end. In an age of content overload, your content promotion strategy must be every bit as smart as your content creation plan.

Owned, earned and paid tactics all have their place in promoting content. Successful social promotion and digital PR can add enormous value. Paid promotion has the benefit of expanding your reach, and giving a wealth of new data about what headlines or ads attract interest and from whom. [Links to social media, digital PR, and paid media respectively]

Measurement + Iteration
Tracking performance and doing it all again
Content marketing doesn’t track onto conversions in the same way as (say) digital ads, but measurement is still critical to generate insights, gauge performance, and plan future content.

Because content marketing is usually, but not always, about raising awareness and attracting interest from prospects, we focus on setting engagement and brand lift-oriented KPIs unless your content serves another specific purpose in your conversion funnel.

A piece of content can hit the jackpot and find a huge audience, but the best content marketers create regular content – growing their audience, adjusting for feedback, and sticking with it. We see each content piece as a launching pad to the next.

Content Marketing

Using powerful storytelling to smooth the path to sales.

  • Recovery Testing Services
  • Stress Testing Services
  • Load Testing Services
  • Robot Framework Testing Services
  • Selenium Testing Services
  • Performance Testing
  • Exploratory Testing
  • Crowdsourced Testing
  • Mainframe Application Testing
  • ETL Testing Services
  • SOA and Web Testing Services
  • Regression Testing
  • Continuous Integration Testing
  • SAP Testing Services
  • Network Testing Services
  • Functional Testing Services
  • CRM Testing Services
  • Smoke Testing Services
  • EDI Testing Services
  • Independent Testing Services
  • DevOps Testing Services
  • System Testing Services
  • Soak Testing Services
  • Sanity Testing Services
  • Scalability Testing Services
  • Integrated Functional Testing
  • Compliance Testing Services
  • Backward Compatibility Testing
  • Managed Crowd Testing Services
  • Unit Testing Services
  • Volume Testing Services
  • Security Testing Services
  • Compatibility Testing Services
  • Beta Testing Services
  • Cost-Effective Pricing
  • High-Quality Services
  • 100% Data Security
  • Round the Clock Support
  • Easily Scalable
  • Quick Turnaround Times
  • Follow-Up & Maintenance

Public Relation for a Changing Media Landscape

Great PR knows how to cut through the clamor and build affection for your brand. But in a noisy and often cynical digital world, the old ways aren’t always effective.

Today, PR is still story-driven, but storytelling is constantly evolving with the changing moods and innovations of digital. Success brings visibility and engagement, but those that can’t meet audience expectations risk getting lost in the fray.

As digital natives and natural storytellers, the TTM team approaches digital PR with a deep understanding of the online landscape and a keen eye for consumer behavior. We add original research, a focus on results, and an enthusiasm for creative, contagious content, to produce PR that actually works.

Finding Storytellers you can Trust

Once your story is out there, it’s hard to walk it back. Make sure you’re confident in the team telling yours, and that you’re looking for the marks of a quality Digital PR agency:

Always agile. From politics to pop culture, your story can be viewed through all kinds of constantly-changing lenses. Savvy agencies always have an eye on the horizon, so they can pivot at a moment’s notice.

Research-driven. Understanding your audience is critical if your PR efforts are going to rise above the rest. Agencies that do their research and apply what they learn have a better chance of earning your brand the spotlight.

Focused on measurement. Data points like engagement, shares or views don’t always tell the whole story, but your agency should care about identifying and growing meaningful metrics.

How we approach Digital Public Relations

Public Relations success takes preparation. Our approach starts with research, thrives on creativity, and is consistently self-reflective.

Getting informed and aligned
We begin with a kickoff that familiarizes our team with your brand and aligns stakeholders on goals and objectives. We want to get a sense of who your brand is and how the public perceives it – and how those two may differ.

Landscape Analysis + Social Listening
Putting an ear to the ground
Our team dives into industry trends, competitor positioning, and notable past successes. We use Meltwater, a social listening tool, to measure brand perception and track brand-relevant conversations on social media.

Media List Creation
Building out contacts
Once we paint a clear picture of the market you’re in, we can strategically plan your journey into the limelight. This begins with the creation of a media list, featuring the reporters, bloggers, podcasters, and influencers in traditional and digital media who might be receptive to your brand’s story. The media list is a living document – as we find new outlets and opportunities, the list continues to expand.

Outreach + Content Creation
Making the connection
A big part of PR is creating and maintaining relationships. Our team tackles this challenge by leveraging new and existing connections, building bridges between your brand and your dream team of collaborators.

No matter how your story is being told – be it through an influencer, press mention, or monthly column – our team works with yours to produce content that engages. Our copywriters, designers, and creative strategists can own this process end-to-end, concepting, creating and deploying creative assets for earned media to amplify. [link to Influencer page]

Reporting + Monitoring
Measuring Up
Once your story is in the wild, we watch, learn and improve. Our process is built so every PR effort informs the next, ensuring your brand is always putting its best foot forward.

Digital Public Relations

Making your story heard in a digital world that’s noisier than ever.

  • Recovery Testing Services
  • Stress Testing Services
  • Load Testing Services
  • Robot Framework Testing Services
  • Selenium Testing Services
  • Performance Testing
  • Exploratory Testing
  • Crowdsourced Testing
  • Mainframe Application Testing
  • ETL Testing Services
  • SOA and Web Testing Services
  • Regression Testing
  • Continuous Integration Testing
  • SAP Testing Services
  • Network Testing Services
  • Functional Testing Services
  • CRM Testing Services
  • Smoke Testing Services
  • EDI Testing Services
  • Independent Testing Services
  • DevOps Testing Services
  • System Testing Services
  • Soak Testing Services
  • Sanity Testing Services
  • Scalability Testing Services
  • Integrated Functional Testing
  • Compliance Testing Services
  • Backward Compatibility Testing
  • Managed Crowd Testing Services
  • Unit Testing Services
  • Volume Testing Services
  • Security Testing Services
  • Compatibility Testing Services
  • Beta Testing Services
  • Cost-Effective Pricing
  • High-Quality Services
  • 100% Data Security
  • Round the Clock Support
  • Easily Scalable
  • Quick Turnaround Times
  • Follow-Up & Maintenance

Matching brands with the right advocates in digital

With more ads than ever vying for their attention, consumers today are selective with their trust. To cut through, brands need advocates their audiences like and believe in – which is where influencers shine.

As influencer marketing has gone mainstream, it’s no surprise that companies want to have an influencer – or many influencers – on their side. But it’s not one-size-fits-all. Instead of chasing the biggest names with the most likes, brands need to identify and connect with people that reflect their brand values.

The Team Matrix leverages strategic thinking and social savvy to act as digital matchmakers, scouting out the select few that authentically represent your brand. By doing the hard work of making connections and deepening them over time, we build better relationships to drive superior results.

A better Influencer Marketing Partner

Smart marketers focus on creating natural relationships with online trendsetters, no matter the size of their following. Look for agencies that:

Aren’t blinded by follower counts. Just because someone has a million followers doesn’t mean they’ll get you a million fans. Experienced teams know how to spot the right people to promote your product – whether that’s micro-influencers or a true celebrity.

Understand the needs of influencers. Many influencers make their living online. As excited as they may be to work with your brand, they also need to see how it benefits them. Partner with an agency that influencers like and will go the extra mile to help.

Get the brand balance right. Influencers have already put in the time to bond with their audience, so good influencer marketers don’t insist on total creative control. At the same time, influencer marketers should always be advocating for a relationship that serves the brand and the creator alike.

How we approach Influencer Marketing

We look closely at your business, your audience, and the industry landscape, forging strong bonds with impactful personalities.

Starting with you
We can’t find someone who embodies your brand until we understand what your brand is all about. To do this, our team sits down yours to learn more about what your brand stands for, what your business priorities are, and what your influencer marketing needs to achieve.

Audience Research
Gauging the crowd
Influencers are your gateway to your audience. Who do you want to speak to? We supplement any audience insights you have with deep research of our own, to identify the people you should be talking to and the kinds of messages that will resonate with them.

Influencer List Creation
Who’s who?
Our team leverages our research to begin identifying influencers your brand could partner with. This is more than a followers-and-likes game – it’s a question of cultural fit. We ask: Does this person match our brand values? What does their audience look like? Are these the people we want to reach?

We are a strong advocate of micro-influencers because they tend to have smaller, more engaged followings and more organic interactions. However, we can and do pursue bigger fish when our strategy demands it. No matter what approach we take, we keep clients in the loop and give you the last call, so you know who is advocating for your brand and what they stand for.

Making the connection
Once promising influencers have been identified, our team owns the outreach process. We stay in a constant dialogue with you and the influencer, facilitating a fruitful relationship. Throughout this process, we act as an advocate and partner for your brand, guiding the engagement in a way that benefits all parties.

Deployment + Reporting
Staying Results-focused
Once a campaign is out in the wild, our team keeps a close tab on engagement and conversion metrics, feeding them back to our data team and using the insights they provide to improve for the future.

Influencer Marketing

Leveraging the right advocates to build trust and grow beloved brands.

  • Recovery Testing Services
  • Stress Testing Services
  • Load Testing Services
  • Robot Framework Testing Services
  • Selenium Testing Services
  • Performance Testing
  • Exploratory Testing
  • Crowdsourced Testing
  • Mainframe Application Testing
  • ETL Testing Services
  • SOA and Web Testing Services
  • Regression Testing
  • Continuous Integration Testing
  • SAP Testing Services
  • Network Testing Services
  • Functional Testing Services
  • CRM Testing Services
  • Smoke Testing Services
  • EDI Testing Services
  • Independent Testing Services
  • DevOps Testing Services
  • System Testing Services
  • Soak Testing Services
  • Sanity Testing Services
  • Scalability Testing Services
  • Integrated Functional Testing
  • Compliance Testing Services
  • Backward Compatibility Testing
  • Managed Crowd Testing Services
  • Unit Testing Services
  • Volume Testing Services
  • Security Testing Services
  • Compatibility Testing Services
  • Beta Testing Services
  • Cost-Effective Pricing
  • High-Quality Services
  • 100% Data Security
  • Round the Clock Support
  • Easily Scalable
  • Quick Turnaround Times
  • Follow-Up & Maintenance

Our Process

Our Process Methodology for Web Application Development
  • 1


    Assessing the Situation, Goals, & Requirements.

  • 2


    Creating a Tech Strategy that Works

  • 3


    Delivering a Complete Website Solution

  • 4


    We build the MVP using a Waterfall Methodology and Improvements on Agile

  • 5


    Testing against over 100 checkpoints

The Team Matrix

Your challenge – and ours – is to embrace that.
Now is about change and disruption. It’s about the end of old certainties and the beginning of new opportunities. But if that’s now – what’s next? We believe what’s next is in the hands of people living in a digital world. Digital empowers people. They decide what they love, where they engage and what they support. They are connected and in control.

Find your people. Discover what they need, want, and love. Use data to drive a deep, continuing conversation and ensure each thing you do for your audience is better than the last. When it comes to digital, we’re unapologetic optimists. We’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible. Next comes accelerating growth through the possibilities of digital – new experiences that merge imagination and technology in captivating new ways.

We invite you to join us on a journey from now to next.

The Team Matrix is meant to simplify the application development experience.

Out of our expertise on the handcrafted application, we simplify the process right from the discovery to deploy without any hassles for customer

Architecture Defining


User Interface


User Experience


Open Source Technology


Custom Framework


Cross Methodology


Quality Analysis


Customer Support


Product Development


Out of Scope Expertise


Our Process Methodology

The 5D Product Design Framework that includes the Release Phases. The 5'D's stand for ``Discover, Define, Design, Develop and Deploy``
Design is usually perceived as being mostly related to the UI & UX and only added on to projects at the very end. Problem-solving skills, holistic and visual perception and empathic understanding of the people behind the problems - which in combination with the right data, can help create strong and compelling user experiences. And of course: designers can draw - and it's easier, faster and cheaper to have one designer flesh out ideas on a whiteboard at the very beginning than to have a team of developers redo the whole thing in the eleventh hour.
Projects usually start by listing out assumptions, which are often labeled as “requirements” that are also rarely tested or even questioned. The result is assumptions get built upon these assumptions, and soon we have a house of cards that defines the entire project. The simple idea is to replace the upfront assumption process with design-driven ideation, exploration, definition of problem and solution, where we test the assumptions and requirements to discover their validity when it has to do.


Problem & Success


Assumptions & Validations


Create the project


Build the Product


Rolling out project

Some of our Esteemed Customer

Build better business software a lot quicker with The Team Matrix

Customize the framework to match your small business processes using simple drag-and-drop tools.