Mobile App Development Services

The technical skill and battle-tested processes to deliver high-performing mobile applications.

Our iOS App Development Services

Whether you have an exciting app idea but no development skills, or need to add more force behind your in-house mobile app development team, our iPhone mobile application development services are tailored to your requirements, and developed keeping your target customers in mind. Our insightful approach ensures we work as an extension of your own team, and our iOS app developers are experienced enough to work with diverse technologies to create an ideal iOS app for you.

Why Choose us for iOS App Development Services ?

Over the years, we have demonstrated a strong client-centric approach while providing exceptional, high-quality services. Our strength lies in understanding our client’s requirements thoroughly and delivering results that exceed their expectations. Our key differentiators include –

  • Over 7 years of app development experience
  • Impeccable communication ensuring repeat clients and on-going projects
  • Extensive cross-industry experience
  • The dynamic team comprising of experienced iOS developers
  • Core-built apps that are intensely scalable and cross-platform read

Our iOS Application Development Expertise

iPhone and iPad app development are somewhat more exclusive and easy to perform as compared to Android or Windows app development since iOS developers have to code for fewer devices and almost similar aspect ratios. As a premier iPhone app development company, our app development procedure consists of an initial in-depth analysis of the client’s business processes and requirements, followed by a lean development period using proven technologies.

Type of Application we created

  • Payment Apps
  • Travelling and Navigation Apps
  • Custom iPhone Utilities
  • Educational and eLearning Apps
  • M-commerce Apps
  • e-commerce Apps with Payment Gateway Integration
  • Geolocation/ Beacon apps
  • Social Networking Apps

What we are in iOS App Development

we are pioneers in iOS application development and have helped develop stunning and highly-functional iOS apps for global organizations. We believe that the best iOS apps are not only distinctive but also provide a great UX which consumers love.

  • Objective C
  • Swift
  • Native SDK
  • Cocoa Touch
  • Cocos2D
  • iAd
  • MapKit
  • StoreKit
  • OpenGL ES
  • iBeacon and Bluetooth LE
  • Xcode
  • JSON
  • iOS Virtual Machine
  • iOS Simulators
  • iOS 6
  • iOS 7
  • iOS 8
  • iOS 9

Our Android App Development Expertise

Although developing a mobile app may not be a part of your core business goals, it is necessary to understand the cultural and economic impact that mobile apps have had over the last decade. Over the years, we have built an accomplished team of Android developers, designers, and testers to ensure we deliver the highest quality Android apps at cost-effective rates. Among other skills, our Android app developers are proficient in

Key Differentiators - Android Mobile Application Development Services

At The Team Matrix, our developers follow a simple work methodology that has stood the test of time. Our main focus lies in creating custom Android apps that suit your vision and exact requirements. From zealously crafting an intuitive UI, to ensuring that all the bugs are ironed out before publishing the app, our Android development team ensures strict adherence to quality processes throughout.

Our key differentiators include –

  • A balanced approach to Lean principles, ensuring the project always finishes on time
  • Technical expertise in all versions of Android, along with keeping up with the latest development trends
  • An iterative approach to Android app development for faster testing phases and time-to-market
  • Effective communication with the client through regular calls, email, or chat, as and when requested
  • Dedicated project managers and a single point-of-contact
  • Making the most out of each and every pixel by adhering to Material Design guidelines for a lasting first impression

Our Expertise Verticals

Today, it has become imperative for companies both large and small to make Android application development an integral part of their mobile development strategy. By partnering with an experienced Android development outsourcing company like us, you can not only ensure faster time-to-market, but receive an app based on your exact requirements in a variety of forms such as native, web, or hybrid apps. Our Android app developers can assist you with –

  • Instant Messaging and Chat Apps
  • Android Wear Apps
  • Android Material Design App
  • Android App Maintenance and Support
  • GPS Based Android Mobile Apps
  • Barcode Scanners and PoS Android Apps
  • Enterprise Android App Development
  • Android Business App Development
  • Banking Applications

Why US ??

Our custom android app development services are managed by experienced project managers and professional system architects. From determining the initial project scope to design and core development, we ensure only the best coding practices are extensively used to develop and test your product.

If you don’t want to outsource the project, but want to hire people or FTE on a contractual basis to develop the project for you, we have got you covered. Try IT staffing for Android app developers to hire our FTE Android developers to develop and deploy Android apps that are robust and functionally compliant with your requirement.

We also provide additional services such as iBeacon App Development, iOS App Development, m-Commerce Development, and much more.

To find out more about the diverse mobile app development solutions we offer, and outsourcing your Android app development to The Team Matrix, contact us right away!

Android App Development

our Android developers are experts at leveraging the best that the Android platform has to offer. With extensive experience across the Android OS we can help build high-quality Android apps at a fraction of the price

  • Java
  • C++
  • HTML5
  • Python
  • Android SDK
  • Appcelerator
  • Titanium
  • Coridova
  • GameSalad
  • Corona SDK
  • jQuery Mobile
  • Bluetooth LE
  • Eclipse
  • JSON
  • ADT Plugins
  • Android Simulators
  • Android Ice Cream Sandwich
  • Android Jellybean
  • Android KitKat
  • Android Lollipop
  • Android Marshmallow
  • Android Nougat

The hard work behind simple Apps

Apps have fueled disruption, creating and transforming industries. In the process, they’ve made complex organizational problems – like curating vast amounts of content or providing transportation on demand – seem effortless.

But in reality, behind every “simple” app is robust technology architecture and immaculate code, engineered to deliver a seamless experience.

Whether you’re looking to create amazing user experiences, streamline operations, or get an edge over competitors, BFM offers the mobile app development expertise to help you get there. Leveraging our technical talents and strategic insights, we deliver rich experiences that spur brand growth.

Selecting an App Development Agency

Creating an app is a major step for even the biggest business. Before you settle on a partner to help you do so, here are some things to look for

Open Dialogue

There are some things only an app can do. But responsive website design has come a long way and covers many mobile use cases. Before starting on an app, your agency should be giving an honest assessment of whether you really need one.

Agile Approach

Agile matters for two reasons. First, consumers expect apps to be regularly updated and improved. Second, if you build every feature and permutation at once, chances are you’ll be late to market.

Experienced Project Management.

An app build is a management challenge as well as a technical effort. Your agency needs the experience and the process to keep the project moving efficiently

App Development

Delivering the technical talent to build great apps and keep them running


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  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitive analysis
  • Monthly management
  • Social media audit
  • Available Version
  • Software updates


  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitive analysis
  • Monthly management
  • Social media audit
  • Available Version
  • Software updates


  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitive analysis
  • Monthly management
  • Social media audit
  • Available Version
  • Software updates

Hybrid Mobile App Development

Mobile apps have played a large role in the world around us gets increasingly mobile and social, connecting people through the power of the internet on smartphones, and changing our focus from searching for what’s on the web, to getting curated content delivered directly to us. As a business owner, mobile apps are no longer an option, but are essential for growing and thriving as you move forward.

When it comes to mobile app development, the diversity of mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, etc.) poses a unique challenge to the developers who want to create a single app that works across all platforms equally well. Native mobile apps on a per-platform basis can increase your cost of development as well as your time to market.

At The Team Matrix, we have 7 years of experience in creating mobile apps for all major platforms. Our hybrid mobile app development services are ideal for organizations who want to build a single app that would work across devices without any visible downgrade in quality. Our quasi-native/cross-platform mobile app development solutions access native APIs and feature superior UI/UX design for better customer satisfaction, ensuring a faster time to market and deployment.

Our Cross-platform Mobile App Development Services

Our developers combine their experience of developing a native app with their expertise with various web technologies such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript to craft beautiful and highly functional cross-platform apps for you.

Our services include

  1. Hybrid Mobile Application Development
    Our developers can help you with executing your hybrid mobile app development strategy by developing apps that look and behave similarly to their native counterparts. By optimizing the JavaScript for fast user access, pushing the CSS to its limits in order to create aesthetically pleasing layouts, and writing a compliant HTML code that works on all platforms, we can create sophisticated applications based on your requirements. All our hybrid mobile apps feature a secure backend file system and shared SQL
  2. Porting Existing Application into Hybrid Apps
    In certain cases, you might have an existing Web or native app that you might need to port to other operating systems. We can help you re-engineer the code-base while retaining the key offerings of the native app, and even ensure that they follow the operating system’s design language and UI guidelines.
  3. Offline Cross-platform Mobile Apps
    Oftentimes, mobile apps need not have access to internet connectivity. Many apps such as alarm clocks, certain mobile phone games, to-do lists, etc. can remain offline and still be highly functional. Our cross-platform offline apps also offer better security features and reduce the risk of hacking and malware infection because of their disconnected status. These offline hybrid apps work exceptionally well for enterprises who need to develop a hybrid app with better security features

Our Hybrid Mobile App Development Process

  • We have an in-depth discussion with the client regarding their vision and requirements for the hybrid mobile app
  • We use a combination of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to start building the hybrid app which targets a WebView hosted inside a native container
  • We leverage the power of Apache Cordova and its set of JavaScript APIs to access device capabilities through plug-ins which can then access device camera, accelerometer, contacts, etc.
  • We package the application assets with the help of Apache Cordova to target platform SDKs to build the complete app
  • If required we use IDEs such as Telerik Platform, Visual Studio, etc. to further enhance the application functionality
  • The finished app goes through a round of extensive QA testing
  • The app is delivered to you, or if required, applied to a particular app store for publishing

Why US ?

Our developers understand that your strategy for cross-platform mobile app development is driven by your business requirements. Therefore, we not only help you choose the correct application development tools as per your needs but also consult your developers if so required for faster and more efficient development times. Our hybrid mobile apps can help you benefit from the following –

  • Simplified business logic and performance expectations with the help of a unified, single code base
  • Easy to deploy across multiple platforms with minimal conflicts
  • A single framework means you do not need expert developers to access separate IDEs
  • A rapidly scalable application that can be easily tweaked at the backend to handle load
  • A cost-effective development time period as compared to native app development

Partnering with US

At TTM, we pride ourselves in our mobile app development pedigree. We have worked with countless global clients and have developed high-quality and functional apps for iPhone & iPad, Android, Windows, and Blackberry, among other relevant mobile platforms. Our cross-platform mobile application development services will help to increase the productivity of your users while enabling enterprise collaboration and boosting business performance.We also have the required expertise to develop native mobile apps and mobile web apps for clients across different industry verticals.

Hybrid App Development

There are many tools and frameworks available to create functional hybrid mobile apps, and our developers understand that every single client might have a different requirement, which might necessitate the use of a different framework. Therefore, our expertise includes in-depth knowledge of various mobile cross-platform development frameworks


  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitive analysis
  • Monthly management
  • Social media audit
  • Available Version
  • Software updates


  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitive analysis
  • Monthly management
  • Social media audit
  • Available Version
  • Software updates


  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitive analysis
  • Monthly management
  • Social media audit
  • Available Version
  • Software updates


  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitive analysis
  • Monthly management
  • Social media audit
  • Available Version
  • Software updates

The Team Matrix's Native App Development

When it comes to modern-day mobile app development strategies, native app development takes the majority of the pie as compared to hybrid mobile apps or mobile web app development. Native apps are developed for a single platform such as iOS, Android, or Windows, and can be installed directly onto a device belonging to a particular platform from the respective app store.

Native apps are hugely popular since they can interact with and take advantage of the operating system’s inbuilt features, thereby providing users with a more cohesive user experience. Native apps have the ability to make use of the device’s hardware such as GPS, camera, etc. and perform faster than their hybrid or web-based counterparts.

Native App Development Services

At The Team Matrix, we build native apps from the ground up keeping the design principles of the OS, the in-app UI, and its overall functionality of the app in mind. Depending on your requirements and time-to-market predictions, we follow various app development models to ensure the development project finishes on time and within your budget. Some of the native mobile app development services we offer include:

Android App Development
With a market share of about 85% in the smartphone industry, Android app development is a popular alternative for businesses who want to reach out to the maximum number of users, and within a short time. Our android developers are experts at using what the Android OS has to offer. Our vast experience helps build high-quality Android apps at a fraction of a price as compared to our competitors.

iOS App Development
Being the pioneers at iOS app development, we at The Team Matrix’s have helped develop highly functional and attractive iOS apps for clients around the globe. Along with providing distinct iPhone and iPad apps, we believe that mobile UI and user experience also prove to be an important part of the entire app development process. As a result, our native iOS apps not only look and feel great, but also provide your users with a seamless app experience.

Windows App Development
Our skilled Windows app developers are proficient in the .NET framework and leverage the power of Visual Studio to build cohesive, functional, and high-performance Windows phone and UWP (Universal Windows Platform) apps. We help you leverage the benefits that Windows 10 brings along with it, while developing a native app that would work across all versions of Windows, including mobiles, tablets, and laptops.

Blackberry OS App Development
At The Team Matrix, we create high-end Blackberry app solutions using RIM Blackberry JDE and other development tools to provide for Blackberry MDS and J2ME mobile apps. Our skilled teams of Blackberry developers offer custom mobile app development solutions so as to ensure your clients, whether they belong to the enterprise or not, always receive the best-in-class Blackberry apps.

Why Should You Develop a Native App ?

The Team Matrix understands the various benefits of developing a native app and why in certain cases one needs to choose it over hybrid/web apps. Our team is highly experienced and is well-versed with the different business requirements of global organizations and has been developing native apps for clients both large and small. Some of the advantages of building a native app include:

There is no doubt that native apps perform much better than hybrid or other web-based mobile apps as they are compiled using native codes and app building platforms. Since native apps have access to all in-built device features which result in optimum use of the components, the performance of your app will never suffer.

Native apps being able to tap into the wider functionality of the device including accelerometer, swipe gestures camera, compass, and notifications, offer the fastest, most responsive, and reliable experience to users. This ensures your app always feels buttery-smooth, a feature that is very well-regarded amongst users.

Standard Guidelines for Development
Since native apps are built according to the set standard guidelines laid down by the operating system, the UI is very much familiar to all the users. This makes it easy for the users as they are able to explore the app on their own, without having to learn any new gestures or functionality.

While using native apps, users expect certain specific functionality as well as design patterns like zoom and multi-touch. These functions are easily accessed in native APIs while it is difficult in other methods of app development.

Aspect Ratios
With devices of different sizes comes the problem of varying aspect ratios and dpi. These differences can determine how the app looks are works on different devices. By developing native apps, developers have more control over the overall resolution, size, and orientation of the app.

IDE Tools
Native mobile app development IDEs provide specialized tools to create almost anything from designing to testing. These IDEs provide a strong set of tools to use hardware features that are not available to most other cross-development and web development platforms.

Native Look and Feel
Native apps feel and look like default apps of the phone and users quickly get used to the specific icons and user-interaction buttons. People are more comfortable using apps that appear like default apps and which provide a friendly user experience, thereby giving you a better chance at attracting new users.

Why The Team Matrix for Native App Development

The Team Matrix is a native app development company where customer satisfaction is held paramount. It is this principle that helps us deliver the best results which are compliant with the client’s needs. Some of the reasons for you to choose us include:

  • A dedicated team of mobile app developers who are highly experienced and have the expertise in developing different kind of apps including e-commerce apps, utility apps, game apps, enterprise apps, etc.
  • Our team is skilled in developing native apps using tools and technologies such as Objective C, Java, Visual Studio, Swift, etc.
  • We provide ongoing support and help make the app better with regular updates even after the development of the app is complete
  • Our prices are highly cost-effective and reliable, ensuring that you receive maximum returns on your investment
  • We guarantee the delivery of the native mobile app within the specified time
  • Our dedicated project managers will keep you updated with the latest developments of the project, while ensuring all your inputs are incorporated fully within the final version of the app

Net Gen Application

Next Generation experiences are not just a passing fad. Voice assistants, together with immersive technologies such as virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, will change how we live and work.


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  • Social media audit
  • Available Version
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  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitive analysis
  • Monthly management
  • Social media audit
  • Available Version
  • Software updates


  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitive analysis
  • Monthly management
  • Social media audit
  • Available Version
  • Software updates


  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitive analysis
  • Monthly management
  • Social media audit
  • Available Version
  • Software updates

Our Process

Our Process Methodology for Web Application Development
  • 1


    Assessing the Situation, Goals, & Requirements.

  • 2


    Creating a Tech Strategy that Works

  • 3


    Delivering a Complete Website Solution

  • 4


    We build the MVP using a Waterfall Methodology and Improvements on Agile

  • 5


    Testing against over 100 checkpoints

The Team Matrix

Your challenge – and ours – is to embrace that.
Now is about change and disruption. It’s about the end of old certainties and the beginning of new opportunities. But if that’s now – what’s next? We believe what’s next is in the hands of people living in a digital world. Digital empowers people. They decide what they love, where they engage and what they support. They are connected and in control.

Find your people. Discover what they need, want, and love. Use data to drive a deep, continuing conversation and ensure each thing you do for your audience is better than the last. When it comes to digital, we’re unapologetic optimists. We’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible. Next comes accelerating growth through the possibilities of digital – new experiences that merge imagination and technology in captivating new ways.

We invite you to join us on a journey from now to next.

The Team Matrix is meant to simplify the application development experience.

Out of our expertise on the handcrafted application, we simplify the process right from the discovery to deploy without any hassles for customer

Architecture Defining


User Interface


User Experience


Open Source Technology


Custom Framework


Cross Methodology


Quality Analysis


Customer Support


Product Development


Out of Scope Expertise


Our Process Methodology

The 5D Product Design Framework that includes the Release Phases. The 5'D's stand for ``Discover, Define, Design, Develop and Deploy``
Design is usually perceived as being mostly related to the UI & UX and only added on to projects at the very end. Problem-solving skills, holistic and visual perception and empathic understanding of the people behind the problems - which in combination with the right data, can help create strong and compelling user experiences. And of course: designers can draw - and it's easier, faster and cheaper to have one designer flesh out ideas on a whiteboard at the very beginning than to have a team of developers redo the whole thing in the eleventh hour.
Projects usually start by listing out assumptions, which are often labeled as “requirements” that are also rarely tested or even questioned. The result is assumptions get built upon these assumptions, and soon we have a house of cards that defines the entire project. The simple idea is to replace the upfront assumption process with design-driven ideation, exploration, definition of problem and solution, where we test the assumptions and requirements to discover their validity when it has to do.


Problem & Success


Assumptions & Validations


Create the project


Build the Product


Rolling out project

Some of our Esteemed Customer

Build better business software a lot quicker with The Team Matrix

Customize the framework to match your small business processes using simple drag-and-drop tools.