Web Development Services

The technical skill and battle-tested processes to deliver high-performing websites.

The pain of an Under-Performing website

Your website represents your brand. And a site that’s slow, unreliable, or hard to use is a website that customers and prospects will avoid. Internal teams also suffer when small website changes are agonizingly slow, and big changes are out of the question.

Yet starting a web development project feels daunting, so businesses often feel stuck with the status quo, risking missed opportunities and competitive disadvantage.

With over 17 years of experience developing upon the top CMS platforms and a well-honed project management process, Blue Fountain Media builds high-performing sites across a wide range of industries. We’ve overcome all kinds of challenges for our clients, helping achieve some exceptional results in the process.

A genuine interest in your business needs.

The newest and shiniest solution isn’t always the most appropriate. Taking an interest in your business isn’t just polite – it’s the only way for your agency to make sure the solution fits your true requirements.

Rigorous project management

Your website agency must manage time and budget as well as the work quality. BFM has the tools, experience, and skills to keep the project on the rails and push the boundaries of possibility.

The Right Range of Partnerships.

A combination of breadth and depth is important. Technology platforms have different strengths and capabilities, and platform-specific expertise is highly valuable. But if your agency only knows one platform, guess what they’re going to recommend for you?

What to look for in a Website Developer

If you’re not a technology person, it’s not easy to choose a technology partner to develop your website. Fortunately, there are qualities you can look for without reviewing a single line of code.

How Technology Drives Business in the Digital ERA

Once upon a time, your tech stack was a problem for tech people. But in a digital world, technology strategy is inseparable from business strategy.

Digital leaders rely on technology platforms to enable collaboration, agility, and a customer-first mindset. Technology expertise matters more than ever, but making the right tech choices is now a whole-of-business concern.

The Team Matrix excels at smartly architecting and swiftly developing experience solutions. Deploying a proprietary framework, our solutions architects define and create optimal solutions, with an unshakeable focus on business efficiency, user experience and business need.

Working with a solutions architect

Early strategic decisions can make or break a technology project. Even if you’re not a tech guru, there are some important qualities to look for in a technology partner

Careful Requirements Gathering

Before your experts start talking, they should be listening – taking the time to understand your existing tech stack and new requirements inside and out.

Tech Agnosticism

You want a partner who can recommend and build on a wide range of technologies – one who won’t push something on you because it’s what they happen to know.

Clear Communication

Your tech partner should empower you with the information to make sound strategic decisions, whether you’re an IT veteran or a tech novice

Solutions Architecture

Put the right technology solutions at the service of your business and your customers.

The hard work behind simple Apps

Apps have fueled disruption, creating and transforming industries. In the process, they’ve made complex organizational problems – like curating vast amounts of content or providing transportation on demand – seem effortless.

But in reality, behind every “simple” app is robust technology architecture and immaculate code, engineered to deliver a seamless experience.

Whether you’re looking to create amazing user experiences, streamline operations, or get an edge over competitors, BFM offers the mobile app development expertise to help you get there. Leveraging our technical talents and strategic insights, we deliver rich experiences that spur brand growth.

Selecting an App Development Agency

Creating an app is a major step for even the biggest business. Before you settle on a partner to help you do so, here are some things to look for

Open Dialogue

There are some things only an app can do. But responsive website design has come a long way and covers many mobile use cases. Before starting on an app, your agency should be giving an honest assessment of whether you really need one.

Agile Approach

Agile matters for two reasons. First, consumers expect apps to be regularly updated and improved. Second, if you build every feature and permutation at once, chances are you’ll be late to market.

Experienced Project Management.

An app build is a management challenge as well as a technical effort. Your agency needs the experience and the process to keep the project moving efficiently

App Development

Delivering the technical talent to build great apps and keep them running

How Development Drives eCommerce Success

eCommerce businesses know that user experience and revenue go hand in hand. When users find shopping hard, slow, or confusing, they don’t convert and you don’t get paid.

That’s why your eCommerce site should be working hard for you – streamlining your business and making shopping effortless. But without a well-developed site, you’re trying to build a great experience on shaky foundations.

With over 17 years in the business, Blue Fountain Media has developed more than our share of high-performing eCommerce sites. We focus on delivering an experience users love, so you can get products off your shelves and into buyers’ carts.

Pillars of a Great eCommerce Experience

An eCommerce site is not just another website. Multiple business-critical elements need to be executed properly in order to ensure a strong return on your investment.

A Seamless Shopping Experience

An eCommerce build must make shopping easy and secure. Pages must load quickly and reliably, with a consistent look and feel, compelling content, and search functionality that meets users’ needs and expectations.

The Right Integrations

A static site that’s disconnected from your business ecosystem creates data entry work for employees, and irritates customers with out-of-date information and limited features.

Interaction & Personalization

Customers expect sites to “remember” them with features such as product recommendations, promos, and a tailored, content-rich experience. And as a customer-facing channel, the richest eCommerce experiences offer ready access to real-time support such as live chat.

eCommerce Development

We deliver on customer and business needs and build sites that sell.

Seizing the Opportunities of Immersive Reality

Next Generation experiences are not just a passing fad. Voice assistants, together with immersive technologies such as virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, will change how we live and work.

When fully harnessed, next gen technologies will be ubiquitous and transformative. Right now, there’s an opening for businesses to use these technologies to delight customers and build a competitive lead. But how do you ensure you’re building tomorrow’s business necessity and not today’s novelty?

The Team Matrix delivers the insights, customer empathy, and tech capabilities to execute strategically on next gen technologies. Adopting an approach that leverages agile design and lean innovation, we help businesses move cutting-edge products to market quickly and with precision

What makes a strong Next Gen Technology Partner?

Technical skills and methodologies matter, but the real challenge when building a next-gen experience that counts is defining the problem you’re trying to solve. That’s why your partner needs

Speed and Agility

A partner needs proven processes for agile delivery, enabling you to “fail fast” without a massive investment of time and money, and build and scale viable concepts at speed.

Audience Empathy

An effective partner will not only solve real customer problems, they’ll do so in a way that connects to people’s motivations, desires, and frustrations.

A Strategic Mindset

If immersive technologies are going to fuel your growth, you need a partner who can accurately and efficiently determine whether a concept is a true product-market fit.

Net Gen Application

Next Generation experiences are not just a passing fad. Voice assistants, together with immersive technologies such as virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, will change how we live and work.

Partnerships + Content Management Systems

In the digital era, businesses need to move faster, and with more flexibility. But having an agile mindset isn’t enough. You also need the technology to execute your ideas.

That’s why selecting and building on the right platform is critical. And it’s why Blue Fountain Media partners with so many industry-leading CMS providers and other technology partners. We help you choose a solution from among the industry’s best, and follow through with a specialist implementation team that knows your chosen platform inside and out.

Richer Experiences on the world’s favorite Open-Source Platform

With 30% of sites on the internet built on WordPress, supported by an army of 100,000 developers, WordPress is the world’s unquestioned open-source leader. And by partnering with WP Engine, you can add secure hosting, cloud capabilities, 24/7 service, and performance insights and tools to your WordPress site.

WP Engine and The Team Matrix are a powerful team. Combining our years of WordPress experience with the strengths of WP Engine, we deliver high-performance, cost-effective solutions to a wide range of clients.

A Cutting-Edge Enterprise CMS on an Open-Source Base

Built on Drupal, Acquia provides businesses with a unique enterprise CMS – backed by the development tools, environment, hosting, and 24/7/365 customer service of Acquia Cloud. Better yet, by adding on Acquia Lift and Journey, you can deploy, optimize, and deeply personalize customer experiences across your entire marketing ecosystem.

Blue Fountain Media is a premier partner for Acquia development, with an all-star in-house certified team and multiple Acquia Grand Masters.

An open-source CMS with Near-Limitless Possibilities

Thanks to its unique, open-source design – and a community 1.3 million members strong – Drupal offers access to a dynamic and constantly growing library of digital tools and resources.

The Team Matrix has many years of experience with Drupal development, and fields certified and dedicated Drupal teams. We continue to recommend the platform to clients who can benefit from its flexibility, simplicity, and affordability.

A leading eCommerce Platform that Drives Growth

An Adobe-owned platform designed for eCommerce, Magento provides a flexible, cloud-based solution built to enhance the customer shopping experience, supported by a versatile offering of tailor-made extensions and tools. BFM maintains a team of developers trained in harnessing this powerful platform for our clients.

Partnerships + Content Management Systems

In the digital era, businesses need to move faster, and with more flexibility. But having an agile mindset isn’t enough. You also need the technology to execute on your ideas.

Our Process

Our Process Methodology for Web Application Development
  • 1


    Assessing the Situation, Goals, & Requirements.

  • 2


    Creating a Tech Strategy that Works

  • 3


    Delivering a Complete Website Solution

  • 4


    We build the MVP using a Waterfall Methodology and Improvements on Agile

  • 5


    Testing against over 100 checkpoints

The Team Matrix

Your challenge – and ours – is to embrace that.
Now is about change and disruption. It’s about the end of old certainties and the beginning of new opportunities. But if that’s now – what’s next? We believe what’s next is in the hands of people living in a digital world. Digital empowers people. They decide what they love, where they engage and what they support. They are connected and in control.

Find your people. Discover what they need, want, and love. Use data to drive a deep, continuing conversation and ensure each thing you do for your audience is better than the last. When it comes to digital, we’re unapologetic optimists. We’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible. Next comes accelerating growth through the possibilities of digital – new experiences that merge imagination and technology in captivating new ways.

We invite you to join us on a journey from now to next.

The Team Matrix is meant to simplify the application development experience.

Out of our expertise on the handcrafted application, we simplify the process right from the discovery to deploy without any hassles for customer

Architecture Defining


User Interface


User Experience


Open Source Technology


Custom Framework


Cross Methodology


Quality Analysis


Customer Support


Product Development


Out of Scope Expertise


Our Process Methodology

The 5D Product Design Framework that includes the Release Phases. The 5'D's stand for ``Discover, Define, Design, Develop and Deploy``
Design is usually perceived as being mostly related to the UI & UX and only added on to projects at the very end. Problem-solving skills, holistic and visual perception and empathic understanding of the people behind the problems - which in combination with the right data, can help create strong and compelling user experiences. And of course: designers can draw - and it's easier, faster and cheaper to have one designer flesh out ideas on a whiteboard at the very beginning than to have a team of developers redo the whole thing in the eleventh hour.
Projects usually start by listing out assumptions, which are often labeled as “requirements” that are also rarely tested or even questioned. The result is assumptions get built upon these assumptions, and soon we have a house of cards that defines the entire project. The simple idea is to replace the upfront assumption process with design-driven ideation, exploration, definition of problem and solution, where we test the assumptions and requirements to discover their validity when it has to do.


Problem & Success


Assumptions & Validations


Create the project


Build the Product


Rolling out project

Some of our Esteemed Customer

Build better business software a lot quicker with The Team Matrix

Customize the framework to match your small business processes using simple drag-and-drop tools.